Illinois State Genealogical Society
Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library Book Project

Your genealogical network has been expanded to include
the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library (ALPL)!
Imagine the excitement and fun of going to one place in the center of Illinois and finding everything, genealogically speaking, that has been published by the various genealogical and historical societies in our magnificent state. How convenient it would be to follow your ancestors from one county to another without going further than the book shelves near the table you've staked out to use during your research trip.
After you've exhausted the collection of more than 171,700 books, which include county histories, civil war material, city material, family genealogies, and many other types of published material, you can go right upstairs to the Newspaper Microfilm area. Here you will find more than 5,000 newspaper titles preserved on 89,000 microfilm reels. The reels hold newspaper titles from every county in Illinois with many dating from the early 19th century.
Our newest project is designed to help grow the ALPL collection of genealogy-related material to include all publications, produced by Illinois' many state genealogical and historical societies, which are not yet a part of the ALPL collection.
We would love to have your participation in this worthwhile project. Since the publications vary in price from a few dollars to $60 or $70 each, any amount you can contribute will be most sincerely appreciated. Your donations will be combined with our Society donation each quarter to buy publications on the "wish list" more quickly. Of course, with your permission, your tax deductible donation will be recognized in an upcoming ISGS Newsletter.
Both the staff at the ALPL and the members of the ISGS Governing Board will be eternally grateful for your assistance!

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